The first article of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen state that “Men are born and remain free and equal in rights[i]”.
This egalitarian vision of the society, in contradiction with the nobility of the Old Regime, has evolved and be redefined to become in our postmodern world an Apex Egalitarianism.
The Apex Egalitarianism result from certain vision of the world brought by wokeism, a simplistic vision of the world in which the dominance relationship boils down to the oppressors – white, heterosexual, Christian men – vs. the oppressed i.e. any individuals recognised as being part of a minority (non-white, female, trans, LGBTQ…).
The Apex Egalitarianism ideology is the belief the humans are not determined by biology but solely by sociocultural environmental factors. The observable differences between individuals are culturally acquired. Consequently, the inequalities are social construction build by the dominant group.
Apex Egalitarianism is the non-discrimination elevated as an absolute (at the exception of “positive discrimination”). This ideology is a negation of the biological factors, of what is “natural”. Behind Apex egalitarianism, there is the concept of the universal man, the negation of particularisms and cultural variations; the idea that there is no difference between men and women, between Europeans, Asians and Africans … the idea that individuals are interchangeable.
And so, as an example, if nothing differentiate biologically men and women under the guise of Apex Egalitarianism (no biological criteria that makes you man or woman), if sexes are interchangeable and there is no innate qualities specific to them, it becomes rational for individuals to “choose” their gender.
Similarly, if nothing differentiate biologically ethnicities, if the only disparity between racial group are social, the shortcomings of some are necessarily rooted in the oppression they suffer from, e.g. racism systemic. And as individuals are interchangeable, mass immigration of population won’t change the fabric of a society. Accordingly, cosmopolitanism result from Apex Egalitarianism as this ideology suppose that the rooting of people in a territory is a social construct.
In summary, Apex Egalitarianism is the end of the traditional family and the end of the borders.
In truth, Apex Egalitarianism is the confusion between “equality at the start” (equality before the law as per the purpose of the first article of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen) and “equality at the end” (everyone being the same, i.e. equity). It is the confusion between equality of opportunity vs. equality of outcome. The false idea that an inequality necessarily indicate something unfair happened.
For instance, the difference of grades between students does not automatically underline prejudices but potentially unequal efforts put into homework and personal study time. Regardless, according to the woke dogma that gave birth to Apex Egalitarianism, inequalities perforce social conditions, discrimination, oppressions… Inequalities are thereby inequities.
Apex Egalitarianism is a resentment against achievement, it supposes levelling down. If everything is social, the success of some over others is immoral. The rich need to be brought down to the poor level. The norms of beauty are unjust, so body positive is promoted: every body shapes are beautiful. In schools and universities, Apex Egalitarianism is the so-called democratisation of culture, the abandonment of the instruction of the legitimate culture (i.e. Oxford and Cambridge universities stopping making Latin teachings compulsory in the 1960[ii]), the suppression of the antiquity courses and the classics of Greco-Roman civilisation deemed “too white”[iii], the annihilation of a legitimate culture perceived as imperialist and racist.
Apex Egalitarianism is the impulse to destruct of grandeur and beauty, the extinction of traditional Western values in the name of the respect of all cultures, in the name of multiculturalism. Western societies must continuously lose their particularisms to make space for minorities groups’ values, even those in contradiction with the traditional Western culture.
For this reason Apex Egalitarianism leads to cultural relativism, the absolute acceptance of any culture regardless of morals. The western traditions, rites, laws and values handed down over generations are not preferable to those of other cultures. The beliefs, values, and practices of individuals should be considered in relation to their own culture rather than being judged with the criteria of another.
In short, western culture’s values and morals should not be the norm or imposed on others (even those living in western societies). Indeed, within the woke dogma, traditional western culture is regarded as a form of “cultural imperialism”, the demonstration of white supremacy.
With cultural relativism, each individual or, at most, the cultural subgroup determines its own values. Everyone has their own truth. The Apex egalitarianism ideology takes precedence over the objective facts. It is the negation of the evolution of values and moral over time.
Already in his work, Charles Maurras (1868–1952), the principal philosopher of the Action française, a monarchist political movement, had denounced the egalitarianism philosophy as a lie and a betrayal of human nature, a perversion of the “natural inequality” specific to man and the essential element for structuring societies.
Maurras produced the concept of “inequality protective”, which is for instance, the dependency of a human baby who, unlike baby animals able to face nature at birth, needs the group, society, personified by the mother, to survive.
If the society, via the mother, give everything to the baby in order to subsist, there is no reciprocity in the exchange. Consequently, according to Maurras, this inequality protective is the proof that the postmodern egalitarianism, the Apex Egalitarianism, is an absurd ideology.
While thinkers like Rousseau claim that inequalities are born from societies, Maurras, on the contrary, demonstrates that societies are built because of this “natural inequality” ergo the need for “inequality protective”.
The need for humans to create association with others originated from their inequalities, their disparities. The spirit of competition inherent of the natural inequality is a powerful drive which encourages work and innovation. A meritocracy is preferred to valorise the best in us.
For Maurras, depraving societies from natural inequality is detrimental for all as social good is harvested from human differences and inequality. Levelling down in the name of egalitarianism will inevitably lead to collapse.
Apex Egalitarianism is individualism, atomisation and the end of the community, the foundation of civilisations.